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: { “threadTriggered” : { “queue” : “com.apple.main-thread” } }, “trialInfo” : { “rollouts” : [ { “rolloutId” : “60da5e84ab0ca017dace9abf”, “factorPackIds” : { }, “deploymentId” : 240000008 }, { “rolloutId” : “607844aa04477260f58a8077”, “factorPackIds” : { “SIRI_MORPHUN_ASSETS” : “6103050cbfe6dc472e1c982a” }, “deploymentId” : 240000066 }, { “rolloutId” : “602ad4dac86151000cf27e46”, “factorPackIds” : { “SIRI_DICTATION_ASSETS” : “61a80a438feb033580c2778b” }, “deploymentId” : 240000290 }, { “rolloutId” : “5ffde50ce2aacd000d47a95f”, “factorPackIds” : { }, “deploymentId” : 240000090 }, { “rolloutId” : “5fc94383418129005b4e9ae0”, “factorPackIds” : { }, “deploymentId” : 240000196 }, { “rolloutId” : “601d9415f79519000ccd4b69”, “factorPackIds” : { “SIRI_TEXT_TO_SPEECH” : “61c11dcd2cb6041dc630dc63” }, “deploymentId” : 240000357 } ], “experiments” : [ ] } } Model: MacBookPro18,3, BootROM 7429.61.2, proc 8:6:2 processors, 16 GB, SMC Graphics: Apple M1 Pro, Apple M1 Pro, Built-In Display: Color LCD, 3024 x 1964 Retina, Main, MirrorOff, Online Memory Module: LPDDR5 AirPort: Wi-Fi, wl0: Oct 25 2021 22:17:59 version 20.10.853. FWID 01-417a4935 Bluetooth: Version (null), 0 services, 0 devices, 0 incoming serial ports Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0 USB Device: USB31Bus USB Device: USB31Bus USB Device: USB 3.1 Storage Device USB Device: USB31Bus Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc. Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc. Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple l version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> The Official BitTorrent Blog http://blog.bittorrent.com The official source for BitTorrent news. Thu, 12 Jan 2023 22:30:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Happy Holidays from BitTorrent Starts Now! 25% OFF Pro and Pro+VPN http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/12/20/happy-holidays-from-bittorrent-starts-now-25-off-pro-and-provpn/ Tue, 20 Dec 2022 19:54:04 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=10326 Wishing you Happy Holidays and an even Happier New Year! To celebrate, we are offering 25% OFF Web and Classic Pro and Pro+VPN products, the discount will be applied automatically. But don’t be late, the promo ends January 2, 2023 at 6pm PST.

Check out our Improvements to the New BitTorrent Help Center! http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/12/02/check-out-our-improvements-to-the-new-bittorrent-help-center/ Fri, 02 Dec 2022 23:44:38 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=10079 Thanks to your valuable feedback, we have upgraded our Help Center to provide users and customers with a more seamless experience. The Help Center allows you to receive help across the entire suite of BitTorrent and µTorrent products and is available here.

What’s New?

Re-designed home page
Refined the Help Center homepage to make it easier to find help for each BitTorrent and µTorrent product.

Adaptive search bar
Type in relevant questions or topics in the search bar and we’ll help provide smart recommendations to help find the answers you need.

Access to the latest product guides and releases
Get access to quick start guides, release notes, and announcements to get up to speed with our products.

Premium access for Pro, Pro+VPN, and Ad-Free users
Quickly manage your subscription, recover your license key, or receive invoice and purchase information. Pro, Pro+VPN and Ad-Free users receive faster response rates!

In addition to the new features, we have refined the look and feel of the Help Center to make it easier to find help articles for all BitTorrent and µTorrent products. If you still need help and are looking to contact us, you can create a ticket here. For faster response times, we encourage you to purchase one of our Pro products: BitTorrent Classic, BitTorrent Web, µTorrent Classic, and µTorrent Web.

From everyone on the BitTorrent Customer Support Team, we look forward to better serving you as we expand our customer support efforts going into 2023!

Black Friday Deal! 2nd Year Free on All Premium Windows and Mac Products http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/11/23/black-friday-deal-2nd-year-free-on-all-premium-windows-and-mac-products/ Wed, 23 Nov 2022 21:33:50 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=10270 Black Friday starts today! For a few days only, all premium desktop products now include a 2nd year FREE. This includes Web and Classic Ad-Free, Pro, and Pro+VPN.

The promotion is available on the BitTorrent and µTorrent websites, or within our applications under the “Upgrade to Pro” or “Upgrade to Premium” links.

Ends soon at 6pm PST on November 28, so act now to get double the value!

BitTorrent Weekly Report | 09.19–09.25 http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/09/26/bittorrent-weekly-report-09-19-09-25/ Tue, 27 Sep 2022 06:32:21 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=9945

BTT Market Trading

Secondary Market

Market cap and trading volume: The market cap of BTT was $0.73 billion in the past week and the total trading volume was $0.15 billion.

Price: In the past week, BTT opened at $0.0000007902 and peaked at $0.0000008056 with 1.95% increase.

BTT Core Data

Real-time BTT accounts: 183974

Overall number of BTT transactions: 1124617 1140206

New BTT transactions this week: 15589

Community Update

1. BTT was voted as the most popular storage ranking project on CoinMarketleague.

BitTorrent Products


1. The number of BitTorrent Twitter followers is now over 652K. This week’s tweets received 10K Likes, 13% Engagement Rate, and 203K Impressions.

BitTorrent Chain

1. 60.2% of 990 Billion BTTOLD has been burned.


1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN, by Sept 21, the number of total miners on BTFS passed the 4.89 million mark; that of super miners exceeded 3.17 million; the number of active super miners exceeded 1.50 million; the total number of contracts on BTFS is 82 million; Total vault contracts on BTFS exceeded 1.93 million. The top three countries with the most miners are as follows: the U.S.: 323,279; Germany: 296,793; Japan: 156,794.

2. BTFS V2.3.0 is in development.

BitTorrent Speed

1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN by Sept 21, the total number of created wallets is over 362M, and 4.09M have active accounts on the TRON chain. We airdropped more than 8.9M BTTOLD to unique wallets.

BitTorrent Weekly Report | 09.05–09.11 http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/09/12/bittorrent-weekly-report-09-05-09-11/ Tue, 13 Sep 2022 06:18:32 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=9937

BTT Market Trading

Secondary Market

Market cap and trading volume: The market cap of BTT was $0.86 billion in the past week and the total trading volume was $0.2 billion.

Price: In the past week, BTT opened at $0.0000008835 and peaked at $0.0000009271 with 4.93% increase.

BTT Core Data

Real-time BTT accounts: 180685

Overall number of BTT transactions: 1090353 1107264

New BTT transactions this week: 16911

Community Update

1. Binance “Learn & Earn” on “What is BitTorrent” event has been launched.

2. OKXEarn launched exciting staking deals:Stake $BTT with up to 65% APY.

BitTorrent Products


1. The number of BitTorrent Twitter followers is now over 653K. This week’s tweets received 30K Likes, 10% Engagement Rate, and 529K Impressions.

BitTorrent Chain

1. BitTorrent Chain has been added to BlockWallet & SaTT_Token.

2. ONTO Wallet now supports BitTorrent Chain.


1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN, by Sept 8, the number of total miners on BTFS passed the 4.86 million mark; that of super miners exceeded 3.15 million; the number of active super miners exceeded 1.66 million; the total number of contracts on BTFS is 81 million; Total vault contracts on BTFS exceeded 1.92 million. The top three countries with the most miners are as follows: the U.S.: 323,202; Germany: 286,613; Japan: 156,689.

2. BTFS Discord Community Upgrade:This upgrade features new sections dedicated to the BTFS ecosystem and relevant resources for better communication.

BitTorrent Speed

1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN by Sept 8, the total number of created wallets is over 360M, and 4.04M have active accounts on the TRON chain. We airdropped more than 8.74M BTTOLD to unique wallets.

Buy BitTorrent Token (BTT) on Kraken’s Leading Digital Exchange http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/09/08/buy-bittorrent-token-btt-on-krakens-leading-digital-exchange/ Thu, 08 Sep 2022 23:48:13 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=9886 We are pleased to announce that users in the U.S. can now purchase BTT directly from Kraken, one of the world’s oldest and largest digital exchanges. BTT enables you to speed up downloads by automatically bidding tokens to other users to help drive faster download speeds and a healthier BitTorrent protocol overall. Supporting minimum orders of 5,000,000 BTT, Kraken allows you to purchase BTT in US Dollars or EURO to increase the BTT balance in any TRON wallet (TRC20 version), including BitTorrent Speed.

There are a few ways to leverage your BTT within BitTorrent Speed to drive faster download speeds:

  1. Create a TRON wallet inside BitTorrent Speed. After creating a wallet inside BitTorrent Speed, simply send the BTT to your BitTorrent Speed wallet address. Once the transfer is complete, you can leverage your ‘On-Chain’ BTT within BitTorrent Speed by merely sending BTT with a click of a button. Using BTT In-App will allow your BitTorrent/µTorrent Classic or Web client to bid BTT to other users to help drive faster downloads. 
  1. Import an existing TRON wallet into BitTorrent Speed. If you haven’t yet created a wallet in BitTorrent Speed, you will see the option to import an existing TRON wallet into your BitTorrent/µTorrent Classic or Web client. Follow the steps to import your TRON wallet, and the BTT balance you have in your existing wallet will now be visible in BitTorrent Speed. From there, simply transfer the BTT from your ‘On-Chain’ balance to your BitTorrent Speed balance to begin driving faster download speeds. If you already have a wallet set up inside BitTorrent Speed but would like to import a new wallet to replace it, please send an email to bttspeed@bittorrent.com so we can help you.

Restrictions on purchasing BTT apply based on jurisdiction and applicable law. Please visit Kraken’s Verification Level Requirements for information regarding opening an account, as well as the Supported Areas and restrictions for purchasing BTT based on your verified residency. 

Here’s how to purchase BTT on Kraken:

  1. Go to the Kraken website and open an account. First, enter a valid email address, create a new username and choose a unique, strong password.
  1. Verify your account. You will need to provide supporting documents to verify your identity. You can read about Kraken’s verification processes here.
  1. Fund your account. You can do this in a number of ways. How you do so will depend upon your location and preferences.

Users interested in opening an account with Kraken can do so here. For questions related to purchasing BTT on Kraken’s exchange, please visit Kraken customer support.

Kraken is an independent third party platform. BTT is a utility token issued by BitTorrent Foundation Limited, Singapore. Users are encouraged to conduct independent research regarding third-party services. Rainberry, Inc. makes no warranties regarding the specific procedures of an independent platform. All transactions initiated on a third party platform are subject to and governed solely by the Terms and Conditions of the respective platform.

BitTorrent Weekly Report | 08.29–09.04 http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/09/05/bittorrent-weekly-report-08-29-09-04/ Tue, 06 Sep 2022 03:26:37 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=9918

BTT Market Trading

Secondary Market

Market cap and trading volume: The market cap of BTT was $0.83 billion in the past week and the total trading volume was $0.19 billion.

Price: In the past week, BTT opened at $0.0000008533 and peaked at $0.0000009112 with 6.79% increase.

BTT Core Data

Real-time BTT accounts: 178946

Overall number of BTT transactions: 1075314 1090353

New BTT transactions this week: 15039

Community Update

1. BTT was voted as the second most popular storage ranking project on CoinMarketleague.

BitTorrent Products


1. The number of BitTorrent Twitter followers is now over 653K. This week’s tweets received 56K Likes, 412 Retweets, 45.8% Engagement Rate, and 210K Impressions..

BitTorrent Chain

1. 60.2% of 990 Billion BTTOLD has been burned.


1. The BTFS V2.2.1 main network has been released. Update includes: Updated the node reputation system; Dashboard adds configuration management-related options; Support configuration of API endpoint address by URL parameter.

2. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN, by Aug 31, the number of total miners on BTFS passed the 4.86 million mark; that of super miners exceeded 3.15 million; the number of active super miners exceeded 1.62 million; the total number of contracts on BTFS is 80 million; Total vault contracts on BTFS exceeded 1.85 million. The top three countries with the most miners are as follows: the U.S.: 450,815; Germany: 268,844; Australia: 234,280.

BitTorrent Speed

1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN by Aug 31, the total number of created wallets is over 359M, and 4.02M have active accounts on the TRON chain. We airdropped more than 8.66M BTTOLD to unique wallets.

BitTorrent Weekly Report | 08.22–08.28 http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/08/29/bittorrent-weekly-report-08-22-08-28/ Tue, 30 Aug 2022 03:48:30 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=9911

BTT Market Trading

Secondary Market

Market cap and trading volume: The market cap of BTT was $0.79 billion in the past week and the total trading volume was $0.19 billion.

Price: In the past week, BTT opened at $0.000000894 and peaked at $0.0000009257 with 3.55% increase.

BTT Core Data

Real-time BTT accounts: 177749

Overall number of BTT transactions: 1052555 1075314

New BTT transactions this week: 22759

Community Update

1. BTT was voted as the most popular storage ranking project on CoinMarketleague.

2. RPC service through Ankr is now available on BTTC.

BitTorrent Products


1. The number of BitTorrent Twitter followers is now over 654K. This week’s tweets received 3.2K Likes, 412 Retweets, 4.6% Engagement Rate, and 205K Impressions.

BitTorrent Chain

1. 60.2% of 990 Billion BTTOLD has been burned.


1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN, by Aug 24, the number of total miners on BTFS passed the 4.85 million mark; that of super miners exceeded 3.15 million; the number of active super miners exceeded 1.58 million; the total number of contracts on BTFS is 79 million; Total vault contracts on BTFS exceeded 1.82 million. The top three countries with the most miners are as follows: the U.S.: 400,374; Germany: 297,124; Japan: 215,959.

2. BTFS V2.2.1 is in development.

BitTorrent Speed

1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN by Aug 24, the total number of created wallets is over 358M, and 3.99M have active accounts on the TRON chain. We airdropped more than 8.59M BTTOLD to unique wallets.

BitTorrent Weekly Report | 08.15–08.21 http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/08/22/bittorrent-weekly-report-08-15-08-21/ Tue, 23 Aug 2022 06:15:53 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=9902

BTT Market Trading

Secondary Market

Market cap and trading volume: The market cap of BTT was $0.83 billion in the past week and the total trading volume was $0.26 billion.

Price: In the past week, BTT opened at $0.00000101 and peaked at $0.000001026 with 1.58% increase.

BTT Core Data

Real-time BTT accounts: 175820

Overall number of BTT transactions: 1033874 1052555

New BTT transactions this week: 18681

Community Update

1. BTT was voted as the most popular storage ranking project on CoinMarketleague.

BitTorrent Products


1. The number of BitTorrent Twitter followers is now over 654K. This week’s tweets received 25K Likes, 619 Retweets, 10% Engagement Rate, and 232K Impressions.

BitTorrent Chain

1. 60.1% of 990 Billion BTTOLD has been burned.


1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN, by Aug 17, the number of total miners on BTFS passed the 4.85 million mark; that of super miners exceeded 3.15 million; the number of active super miners exceeded 1.58 million; the total number of contracts on BTFS is 79 million; Total vault contracts on BTFS exceeded 1.8 million. The top three countries with the most miners are as follows: the U.S.: 417,064; Germany: 279,051; Japan: 216,054.

2. BTFS V2.2.1 is in development.

BitTorrent Speed

1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN by Aug 17, the total number of created wallets is over 357M, and 3.97M have active accounts on the TRON chain. We airdropped more than 8.5M BTTOLD to unique wallets.

BitTorrent Weekly Report | 08.08–08.14 http://blog.bittorrent.com/2022/08/15/bittorrent-weekly-report-08-08-08-14/ Tue, 16 Aug 2022 03:57:25 +0000 https://bittorrent.gyre.wpengine.com/?p=9891

BTT Market Trading

Secondary Market

Market cap and trading volume: The market cap of BTT was $0.94 billion in the past week and the total trading volume was $0.22 billion.

Price: In the past week, BTT opened at $0.0000009772 and peaked at $0.000001034 with 5.81% increase.

BTT Core Data

Real-time BTT accounts: 173727

Overall number of BTT transactions: 1011920 1033874

New BTT transactions this week: 21954

Community Update

1. Binance completes the 12th round of APENFT (NFT) airdrop distribution to holders of BitTorrent Old.

2. Aquarius’s Money Market Testnet is now LIVE on BTTC.

BitTorrent Products


1. The number of BitTorrent Twitter followers is now over 655K. This week’s tweets received 30K Likes, 500 Retweets, 52% Engagement Rate, and 210K Impressions.

BitTorrent Chain

1. 60.1% of 990 Billion BTTOLD has been burned.


1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN, by Aug 11, the number of total miners on BTFS passed the 4.84 million mark; that of super miners exceeded 3.14 million; the number of active super miners exceeded 1.57 million; the total number of contracts on BTFS is 78 million; Total vault contracts on BTFS exceeded 1.79 million. The top three countries with the most miners are as follows: the U.S.: 458,915; Germany: 278,717; Japan: 215,406.

2. BTFS V2.2.1 is in development.

BitTorrent Speed

1. According to statistics on BTFS SCAN by Aug 11, the total number of created wallets is over 356M, and 3.94M have active accounts on the TRON chain. We airdropped more than 8.42M BTTOLD to unique wallets.

Hide quoted textmeet.google.com/pue-qusq-muw Or dial: (CA) +1 778-747-4351 PIN: 479 193 828# More numbers: t.meet/pue-qusq-muwmeet.google.com/pue-qusq-muw Or dial: (CA) +1 778-747-4351 PIN: 479 193 828# More numbers: t.meet/pue-qusq-muw On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 3:05 PM Mail Delivery Subsystem wrote: Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to teamrainwizzard@tutanota.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. The response from the remote server was: 550 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Recipient not available ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Matthew Shannon Amos STOP SENDING STUFF HERE Sent from Mail for Windows From: Papa Legba.N.B Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 5:51 AM To: Three Monkeys Tattoo Subject: Fwd: -------- Forwarded message -------- PL Papa Legba.N.B 6/6/2023, 8:50:00 AM chodumburns@yandex.com bluetooth code 1 message Matthew Shannon Amos MS 07 Jun 2023, 06:47 TO Papa Legba.N.B FOLDER: Inbox {https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCj3vKHDCz9VMnpJj_ttps://m… "type": "navigate", "url": "https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l62YxJRslWra…", "assertedEvents": [ { "type": "navigation", "url": "https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l62YxJRslWra…", "title": "Get Paid - YouTube Music" } ] }{ "title": "Recording 6/7/2023 at 5:19:08 AM", "steps": [ { "type": "setViewport", "width": 165, "height": 649, "deviceScaleFactor": 1, "isMobile": false, "hasTouch": false, "isLandscape": false }, { "type": "navigate", "url": "https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l62YxJRslWra…", "assertedEvents": [ { "type": "navigation", "url": "https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l62YxJRslWra…", "title": "Get Paid - YouTube Music" } ] } ] }
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